Dynegy Midwest Generation Co. – Selective Catalytic Reduction Installation, Havana, Ill.
Sheet Metal Contractor: Du-Mont Company, Peoria, Ill.

“The Du-Mont Company has found a niche in the power plant market by providing fabrication, lagging work and specialty products on a timely basis. Du-Mont is fabricating 500 tons of selective catalytic reduction (SCR) breeching as well as fabricating and installing aluminum lagging over the insulated breeching. Breeching in a power plant is ductwork that carries combustion gases.The project required the breeching to be fabricated and shipped in sections for assembly and erection at the site. Once the insulated breeching was in place, lagging was cut to size and installed with flashings and closures over the breeching. Inclement weather made this project challenging at times. The job site was over 50 miles from the Du-Mont facility and transporting

the large sections of breeching was difficult.
“Our people know the work and what is expected of us,” said Robert Williams, Du-Mont secretary-treasurer. “We operate two fabrication facilities and work with Local 1 using the standard form

of union agreement and industrial addendum. The strength of Du-Mont’s industrial work force allows us to be competitive with non-union companies and brings in more work to the sheet metal trade.”